Outlet PC

Outlet Mataró

you will find our Mataró PC Outlet in Ronda Barceló 10-Bajos, where you will discover opportunities in laptops, tablets, smartphones, household appliances, toys, perfumes ... Always top brands: Samsung, LG, HP, Sony, Apple, Toshiba, Lenovo, Acer, Indesit, Hotpoint, Taurus, Teka, Liebherr, Daewoo, Electrolux and many more.

The above may not fit with our name... Why are they called Outlet PC if they offer everything? The story is simple: We start with computers . But one day we had the opportunity to offer paellas well below their usual price and it occurred to us to put them next to the laptops and... well... things got messy. they arrived microwaves, refrigerators, washing machines, electronics, televisions, perfumes ... Wow, we have become the Outlet of outlets .

In short, we are dedicated to Find and offer opportunities . The sector does not matter, we do not pigeonhole ourselves, we only care about being able to offer it to a price lower than usual . This is our concept and yes, if you are a opportunity hunter or bargains, our stores will be your paradise.

You are probably wondering: Why so cheap? Very simple: we offer products that come from closeouts, remanufactured by manufacturer or with him damaged packaging . And how could it be otherwise, with guarantee .

If you have any doubts about it, consult our section Why so cheap?